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Collabroative Care Partnering
Expect enhanced outcomes when your providers work together.
Your teeth contact and your perception the space around you impacts your body posture and movement patterns.
Dental Integration
What you perceive in your mouth influences your body's chronic holding patterns. If your teeth touch more on one side or don't touch where they should, often the postural system responds with either too much muscle activity or not enough.
Because patterned airflow is often key to unlocking postural patterns, Dr. Wren often refers to dentistry (and/or ENT) for further airway evaluation.
Airway diagnostics
Fabrication of Proprioceptive Orthotics
In a unique approach to holistic health care, Dr. Wren collaborates with Dr. Aimee Werremeyer at Love Dentistry to provide integrated services aimed at enhancing patient outcomes. Within the dentist's office, Dr. Wren sets up her table, where she assesses the body's postural tone while the dentist focuses on optimizing the jaw position. This synergy ensures that both the dental and physical aspects of patient care are addressed simultaneously, promoting relaxation and balance through a proprioceptive mouth guard. Their ongoing education together has equipped them with specialized knowledge, allowing them to guide patients towards more optimal jaw and dental health as well as efficient postural patterns .
Dental Integration can be helpful for the following issues:
Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction
Bruxism (Teeth grinding)
Chronic neck and upper back pain
Chronic hip pain
Many others...
Visual Integration
How you perceive and move in the space around you can drive the postural system to respond with an inappropriate amount of postural tension.
Five Questions you can ask your optometrist
Neuro-optometric Evaluation
Optimal vision is so much more than how clearly you see. As part of Dr. Wren's approach, she will help to determine whether your visual system is influencing how well you are able to rest and move in your body. There are many possible reasons why your postural system may be compensating, creating tensions and torsions throughout your system. Dr. Wren works with specialized optometrists in Bellingham to help you unlock these patterns.
Vision Integration can be helpful for the following issues:
Chronic neck and back pain
Impingements (ankle, hip, shoulder)
Many others...
Could you make sure I’m not over-corrected for distance in my prescription?
Could we do my refraction (especially for distance) standing rather than sitting?
Is there any hint my 2 eyes aren’t working together?
Do either of my eyes want to drift out or in when I try to focus at near or far?
How is my peripheral vision?
Integrative health coaching, physical therapy, and medical Qigong services.
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